It’s true… I really do!
TGIM! Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I am excited every Monday to come to work and join my team. You Monday haters are missing out! Maybe this will help you with your Monday blues.
OK, here are 5 Reasons I LOVE Monday!
1. Monday is a Fresh Start! – Every 7 days I have a clean slate. A “do over”. I can celebrate last week’s successes and correct last week’s mistakes.
2. Monday is 15% of my week! – Why would I give up that much of my life hating it. If you live to 80 year of age hating Mondays, that equals 4171 “bad days” days of your life. (Some people dislike Monday so much, they start hating it on Sunday and ruin another day of the week. Crazy!)
3. Loving Monday Starts My Week Off Better! – Much better! What kind of work week do you have when you start it by hating Monday? Are you more productive? More pleasant to be around? Do you enjoy your work more? Are you fun?
4 . Loving Monday Makes Me a Better Person. – You know what I mean. Don’t you love the guy that crawls into the office Monday morning with snarl on his face and the dark cloud over his head? Yikes! No fun to be around! I want to be someone who significantly contributes at work and is a joy to be around…especially on Monday.
5. Monday is Here. I am Alive! – Every Monday means another day of life. It is a joy to be salt and light and on Monday, including THIS Monday, I am so thankful for the gift of family, co-workers, purpose, and LIFE!
Remember, it is your decision about how you act and feel. You don’t have to hate Monday. Start acting like you love Monday. Then very soon the feeling of loving Monday will come. Promise!