This Magic Question Will Get Them To Set The Appointment For You!
Your telephone or online prospect will not impact your property value unless they move in. Even the best leasing presentation is not successful until you have a new, qualified resident paying rent! Prospects tend to lease better if they come to the office and “experience” your product and customer service.
I teach that the goal of handling a telephone prospect is clear and measurable; Get Them to the Property…RIGHT NOW! After connecting on the phone and building a trusting relationship, ask your telephone prospect this question:
“So, when do you think you’ll be coming out for a visit?
I want to make sure that I am scheduled so I can personally help you.”
The rental prospect has bonded with you and does not want to be assisted by anyone else, right? This question will motivate them to suggest a time and day so they can be sure their trusted leasing professional will be available.
Let’s say the prospect suggests tomorrow after lunch, about 1:30. Your response must be calculated and carefully stated:
“OK, tomorrow at 1:30 pm. Let me check my calendar. Hmm, oh, great! I have an opening at that time. Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 11. 1:30 pm.
And Diane, your mobile number is (469) 442-1974. Great, I have you in my appointment book for tomorrow at 1:30 pm. I can’t wait for you to see our community! You are on my schedule now, so I will have plenty of time to spend just with you!“
Don’t miss the power of this telephone accommodation close. The prospect will feel important and special as you create a time slot just for them. And the fact that you repeated their cell number will make the prospect feel more accountable for showing up.
Finally, just like many medical professionals practice with patient appointments, email and text confirmation of the appointment with a link to your location. Then you will surely achieve your objective for handling this prospect. And what is that goal?