Key questions that help you tailor your leasing presentation to the prospect’s specific needs
Probing Questions help zero in on the rental prospect’s real needs and wants. Ask these questions to better understand the prospect’s perspective and to overcome future objections and putt-offs.
- “Have you been looking long?” – Ask this before showing the apartment home; while the future resident still wants “in”. Asking it upfront may prevent the putt-off later of “this is the first place we have seen.”
- “What apartments have you already seen?” – This identifies your competition and may reveal other neighborhoods where to prospect is looking.
- “What did you like best/least about the places you have already seen?” – This question helps you understand the prospect’s real needs and interests. It will also help you design your leasing strategy.
- “What kinds of things are important to you in your next apartment?” – Again, zero in on the prospects’ wants and determine what might be pivotal in their decision and motivating them to move right now.
- “What brings you to our city?” – A great innocuous question that reveals employment and personal changes in the prospect’s life. This can even be used on moves within a city or area. “So what brings you to this neighborhood?”
- “Do you mind if I ask why you are considering a move right now?” – You gotta earn the right to ask this question! If you ask it up front, the prospect might hang up on you. Only after a few minutes of conversation and relationship building is it safe to ask this rather personal question. Be ready to learn a much deeper level of information that you will use to tailor the presentation to the prospect’s specific needs and love situation.
Probing questions… They are not simply about “qualifying” the prospect. It’s about connection, building trust, and creating that relationship that moves the prospect from “just looking” to a happy resident.