To Shake or Not to Shake…THAT is the question!
Shaking hands is the quintessential way to greet your rental prospect, right? Th handshake is the classic sign of professionalism and confidence in the business environment, true? For many years I have taught the handshake is the sound strategy in welcoming your visitors into your leasing office.
So why am I suddenly questioning this preferred professional and trust-building practice?
Coronavirus! (Oh my!) Whether this COVID-19 scare is truly serious or just a mild but massive outbreak, coronavirus has the whole world’s attention. Including our residents and our rental prospects. Do we refuse to shake hands and possibly come across as rude or ignorant? Maybe there is an option.
This type of sign is already in use at UCLA Health Center with little issue or concern. I love the graphic that communicates the message quick and clear.
A study in 2014 found that a fist bumptransmitted 90% fewer germs than a handshake. Maybe if we adopt the latest greeting rage started in t he COVID-19 epicenter of the Coronavirus, the Wuhan Foot Shake, Elbow bumps and a simple “Hello Hand Wave” might do the trick.
I refuse to give up this true and tried expression of professionalism and affection forever but for now, cutting back on the hand-shakes, hugs, cheek-kissing, and other forms of “professional” human contact in the office is a smart idea.
A simple sign in your office will minimize the awkwardness of the dilemma: to shake or not to shake. Create an attractive and professional sign on a large easel by your main entrance with this message:
“This is a Handshake Free Zone…to reduce the spread of germs. We are protecting you!
Or simply “Due to the Coronavirus, No Handshaking Please”
No more handshaking, ever? Oh no, I don’t mean that! The handshake will remain THE best way to greet rental prospects and residents in the business setting. But maybe it is time to drop the handshake and suggest other ways to greet. For now. Just till we get through this.