Has the pandemic done a number on your zeal for your job? For many, the COVID 19 plague has taken away many of the things we previously loved about our work. This is especially true for apartment onsite professionals. Over the …
4th Quarter, Baby! Time to Crank it Up!
You Have 3 Months Left to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever!So what is this year looking like for you? Are you happy where you are as we start the 4th quarter of 2021? Is this a banner year…or do you blame COVID for your lackluster …
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Handling the Prospect “Put-off” #2
The Prospect says… “I really need to look around some more.”This is the second “put-off” that our prospects use to side-track our effort to secure the commitment. What is the prospect really saying? Do they really need to look …
Handling the Prospect “Put-off”
What to do when the Prospect says, "Let me think about it."So you come to the end of what is a very persuasive leasing presentation. Everything seems to be clicking. You and your prospect are communicating well, and she is showing buying …
Are You Likeable…to Your Residents
Likeability Factor #4How to be Likable to the Folks Who Call your Community “Home”Our “Likeability Factor” posts have focused on being likable to your rental prospects. Let’s now look at that paying customer who, frankly, is much more important than …
Are You Likeable…to Your Telephone Rental Prospects?
Likeability Factor #3How to be likable in your leasing presentation...online, on the phone & in person. Let’s talk likeability on the phone. The telephone continues to be a powerful leasing tool. Most of our prospects find us …
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Are You Likeable…To Your Online Rental Prospects?
Likeability Factor#2How to be likable in your leasing presentation...online, on the phone & in person. Last week we looked at some key components and attributes for being perceived as LIKABLE by your rental prospect. The main takeaway …
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Are You Likeable… To Your Rental Prospects?
Likeability Factor #1How to be Likeable in Your Leasing Presentation…online, on the phone, & in person.People like to lease from people they like. Duh! That is a no-brainer, right? Maybe the opposite statement is more …
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Make Your Specials, SPECIAL! Part Four
If You Must Offer Specials...#4Final Thoughts on Offering Specials A recent survey by J. Turner on multi-family attitudes and outlook for 2021 reveals some disturbing info. Well over half of the property management companies currently …
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Make Your Specials, SPECIAL! Part Three
If You Must Offer Specials...#3Concession Strategies that Cost You LessWhy does Macy’s Department Store have all the incredible specials during the holiday season when gift-buying reaches its peak? How can Jareds Jewelry discount their top …
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